Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Ngahahahaha... sorry for the inappropriate photo, Mr.Johnny.
This is how I overcome the stress, and yes.... I am totally different from my old me.
I know it is dangerous somehow to recognize my real identity. But it's okay. My family still accept me what....

Chill lah.... aku tak faham, kenapa mata-mata manusia nampak benda yang cantik je.
Tipu lah kalau aku pun bukan macam tu, tapi yessss....
world is getting weirder.
Takut doh!!!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

SKIZOFRENIA- Kembalikan Aku Pada Realiti!

Skizo ni salah satu topik yang menarik bagi aku. Maybe aku pun one of schizophrenics yang mungkin aku tak sedar. Yesss!! Skizo is need to be cured.

Help them.

Macam Johnny. He always accompany me whenever I mad, sad or even happy....
